Blame it on Bob.
Recently my favorite mentor, Robert Burridge, was in town and we had a chance to catch up at the opening of his show at the Lucky Street Gallery. His continued enthusiasm and dedication to painting is uber infectious. I've taken a number of his "Loosen Up" workshops and loved every one of them. It was great to see him and his paintings.
I recently went through a phase where my paintings got a little out of control (well okay, maybe a lot) and the colors were super amplified. They were huge fun to do. And because the fall hadn't been all that much fun, (Thanks Irma :(() It was just the thing I needed at the time. I used almost all of the techniques Bob taught me in that series. I could hear him in my head going, "A brush has two ends." "Negative shapes, negative shapes" and "Where's the wow factor?"
Which was a very good thing because this painting came in handy
When a local gallery, that shows some of my larger pieces, came to me and said that they wanted paintings that were "brighter" I was able to say, "I've got just the thing for you!"
Happy Hour aka Giant Umbrella Drink Painting
24" x 30", acrylic on canvas
available @ Art on Duval, Key West, Florida
Mini version
Happy Hour II
10" x 20"
acrylic on canvas
$385.00 available in my studio
Bob Burridge at his opening with local artists.
thanks Bob for all you do.

Maggie Ruley is a studio artist living in Key West, Florida.
Her colorful paintings and tropical pottery are collected world wide and can be found in many island homes. She has been featured in the Key West Citizen,
the New York Daily News , and other publications.
Her handmade ceramic flip flops have been sold in gift shops all along the east coast and in California and Hawaii.
Her studio and gallery is located in the historic Seaport area of Old Town Key West.
Maggie Ruley~Island Inspirations
933b Fleming St.
Key West Florida 33042