Sunday, May 15, 2016

IDK, Just Cuz


Special Update

After I read the blog post I sent out yesterday, I realized I had a few more things to say about getting a not-so-favorable reaction to your artwork. Well, really, I have a lot of things to say on that subject. But for today I'm only going to say a few. So I did a little re-write, because I think it's kind of important.  As a bonus to you for reading it again I've added a fun photo.

Question: "What made you paint THAT!?"

Answer: "IDK, Just cuz."


The Story Book Giraffe
20" x 16" acrylic on canvas
Giclee prints available
©Maggie Ruley 2016

When people get used to you painting a certain subject matter or in a certain style it can be a little un-nerving for them to see something different from you. 
If your new subject or style upsets someone, hold their hand, tell them to breath and that it's going to be okay, really. There's no need to explain or to try and make them understand. It's your creative journey and lots of times it's un-explainable. And if you go into an explanation a lot times their eyes just glaze over and you've lost them.
My standard reply is, "I don't know, just cuz." Or, "It seemed like fun."  You get the idea.
Here's the deal, it's a great big sparkle-y world out there full of amazing beautiful things for me and you (this also applies to non-artists!) to interpret and rearrange. 
And I would be totally bored if I didn't take advantage of that when the urge strikes me.
Please note, I'm not dealing with super harsh, icky mean criticism here.  This is about I-don't-get-it-you're-upsetting-me-a-little criticism.
This painting started as a demonstration for my class. We were exploring complicated backgrounds, negative shape painting and finding pattern.  In my mind Pattern = Giraffe, no brainer.
I don't always finish my class demonstrations but this one was full of all the things that made me want to fully develop it.  Fun color, elegant shapes and a boat load of stars.  It's kinda like an illustration in a child's book, hence the title, Story Book Giraffe.
How great would this look in a child's room?  Totally Great!
If you have any great ideas how handle this kind of situation I'd love to hear them.  CLICK through to the blog and leave them in the comment section.
This was my studio during my last class notice the flowers, wine and chocolates. What's not to love? P.S. the chocolates were a gift to all the Mom's in the class from our dear artist friend David Scott Meier.
The delightful work by my students.

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First, you might want to CLICK HERE so you can see all the fun extras on the blog site.  You'll be glad you did and you can leave a comment.
And Second,Thank you! Please forward it on to anyone else who might enjoy it. Thank you again.
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Maggie Ruley is a studio artist living in Key West, Florida. 
Her colorful paintings and tropical pottery are collected world wide and can be found in many island homes. She has been featured in the Key West Citizen,
the New York Daily News , and other publications.
Her handmade ceramic flip flops have been sold in gift shops all along the east coast and in California and Hawaii.
 Her studio-gallery is located in the Historic Seaport area of Old Town Key West.
Maggie Ruley~Island Inspirations
933b Fleming St.
Key West Florida 33042


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