Sunday, August 31, 2014

Let's learn Hawaiian

As I painted this charming seaside cottage I wondered if I could learn Hawaiian just by listening to Iz?
( Israel Kamakawiwo'ole)
Such a beautiful language to listen to and I love the music.  I do hope to make it back to Hawaii someday.

Idyllic Cottage
Oil on canvas
7" x 5"
$85 unframed

This will be painting #1  the 30 day Challenge hosted  by Leslie Saeta

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

September Challenge

It's time again for the 30 paintings in 30 days Challenge hosted by Leslie Saeta.  I will be participating this year.  I have a few more days yet to decide if I want to choose a theme.  I knowing will be doing smaller work than the my standard size of  20" x 24".  That's good because my stock of small paintings is a bit depleted.  

This will be a good time to do some experimental painting; use up those odd materials, try some new techniques,  work on that "things I'd like to paint" list.
Here are some links to last year's challenge

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Anybody else out there doing this year's challenge?

Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Chicken Dance

This lively rooster is strutting his stuff.  And despite the lively brushwork in his tail feathers he has somewhat of a folk art feel to him.  I think maybe it's due to the small head.  But their heads really are small in comparison to the rest of them.

20 x 24" acrylic on canvas
©Maggie Ruley 2014

Hope you are having a great weekend!
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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Beautiful flyer

I love this recently finished Roseate Pelican!  He was a joy to work on.  He will soon be flying to his new home in Ohio.  

Bon Voyage!
Roseate Pelican
private collection
© Maggie Ruley 2014

And, you will notice I changed my header (again!, but really that one had been there a long time and that painting has been long gone)
Anyway this new header is a cute little watercolor of my studio front.  I wanted something sweet I could use for a biz card and postcard.

Roseate Pelican 
20" x 24"
Acrylic on canvas

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Meet the neighbors

The cucumbers and green peppers I brought for lunch today just weren't cutting it.  So I popped out my front door and headed to Help Yourself for some hummus to add to my lunch plate.  It's wonderful that the new studio is in such a cool location.  There are B and B's,  a small inn, food places that are not your same-ol'-same-ol', interesting shops and small biz firms, quaint cottages and perfect Victorian homes.

It's not the main drag of Duval Street, but it has it's own lovely charm.  When you come and visit the studio you will know exactly what I mean. But until then I will start introducing you to the neighbors.

Help Yourself houses an organic restaurant, organic market, juice bar and health food store.

Help Yourself
829 Fleming St. Key West
photo Maggie Ruley

Here's my lunch after I added the fire roasted jalapeño hummus.  Much more filling.

Salt Island Provisions
830 Fleming St. Key West
photo Maggie Ruley

Salt, Island Provisions is a lovely small retail shop featuring local honey and sea salt.  I love the way they have their mission statement on the front door.  So simple and honest, I am going to "borrow" that idea.

Not too many peeps on the Conch Tour Train today, maybe too hot.  Directly across from my studio are these lovely Victorian homes.  I have a wonderful view.

I love this town.  Lunch was great, now I feel like going for a swim!  

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Mango Seller

June is the beginning of mango season in Key West.  By late June and early July most of the Mango trees are laden with fruit.  One day there was a young girl with a mango stand selling mangos for a dollar a piece on Fleming Street.  She was standing along side her small table on the side walk selling to the passers by. It was late in the day and I went around the block to get back to her, Fleming is a one way street, and when I got back she was gone. She became the inspiration for this painting.  My cat's name is Mango so she had to be in the painting.

The Mango Seller
© Maggie Ruley 2014

"The Mango Seller"
Acrylic on canvas
40 x 30"
Giclee prints available

The new studio~gallery is going well.
My children's art classes are over and I can be in the studio all day.  I'm getting lots of painting done and meeting the people in the neighborhood.

Island Inspirations
933B Fleming St
Key West, FL 33040

I've gussied up my entry a little.  Lots of dogs walking their people on the street and they get very thirsty in this heat.
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