I wish I had taken some earlier photos of this painting. It has gone through several incarnations. You can see here that I have completely obliterated the background and now have to start all over on that. The foreground (shirt) is not going to change too much more. It's not finished but the basics are done. I usually like to work on the foreground and the background at the same time in order to get harmony between the two. But my background ideas just weren't working so I decided to let it go for a while. Now I've made a decision about the background and I'll start that today. I'll get it roughed out and then I will continue to work on the background and foreground at the same time until it is finished. By the way, this painting is large 40 x 30 inches.
I really should be glazing pots, but I'll do that tomorrow. I'm in the gallery,
7 Artists Key West, tonight from 4 til 10 pm. Stop on by.