Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Back in the Day

This is just a quick story about the recent change in my header photo.  Why the Blue Heaven building you are wondering?  When I arrived in Key West in 1985 I was looking for a studio space, my cute little house was only about 600 sq ft so there was no work room.  This building was around the corner from my house and it had a small cadre of artists renting studios and living spaces.  See that little window on the ground floor above what looks like a bike rack.  That was my space, very small and dark, one window facing the street and one door.  The rent was $75 a month.  I can't really remember why, but over the years, the other artists went away and for years  I was the only tenant.  Then the building was rented to aspiring restaurant owners and the building became a lively happening place once again.  Long story short the restaurant owners bought the building, the neighborhood became trendy, the restaurant decided my space would be perfect for wine storage.  I was in that small and wonderful space from 1985 to 1996.  So I had a twinge of nostalgia when I was doing the painting.

All those memories.

2016 update:  I look at that wonky little watercolor and I'm almost embarrassed by it.  But then I think, it shows growth, how cool is that?


  1. it really is a great picture - to think this is where it all began...

  2. I was just in KW this past winter and took a photo of Blue Heaven because I knew it was a hip place. We have friends who bought a house in KW for their winter months. What a fun and artsy place to live!


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